2nd RwandAir B737-700 performed test flights on 14 June 2013
A Special thanks to Koschi Fly and Thomas Schmidt BlindeÖfer for the pictures. Both Thomas and Koschi Fly have personal galleries.
Thomas : Planespotters and JetPhotos
Koschi Fly : Planespotters
Here is the B737-700 which is performing various test at Hannover (Germany), to see if everything is ok, but also to get the approval from the Rwanda Civil Aviation Authority.
Rejected Take Off
Take Off
Low approach and full stop landing
2nd RwandAir B737-700
A Special thanks to the Dutch Aviation Fans and Bastiaan T Hart / Planepix.nl for the pictures. You can follow Dutch Aviation Fans on Twitter (@SchipolFans).
This B737-700NG ex Air Berlin made its first flight in 2007. It is at Hannover (Germany) after a ferry flight from Eindhoven, before it leaves Germany toRwanda.
RwandAir will take delivery of its second B737-700, in June
It seems that the airline will delay the arrival of the 2nd B737-700. It was planned to land at Kigali, in April, then in May and now the aircraft will join the RwandAir, in June. The date will be given later.
It makes sense that the second aircraft will arrive in June, cause the leasing agreement with GECAS about the two B737-500s, will end in June, after three years of service with RwandAir. The airline doesn't want certainly to operate "too much aircraft" for its network.
We are excited to fly on your new Boeing 737-700 NG soon. When do you expect the 2nd one from German TUIfly at Kigali this month?
RwandAir will lease two B737-700s, in April 2013
Here is a picture taken on 08/04/2013 at Hannover. The aircraft still wearing the German registration and according to the photograph, it was probably a test flight. It seems that RwandAir has probably delayed the delivery of the aircraft planned on 08 April, during the commemoration week.
Few minutes after its arrival from Eindhoven, as BER 881 (Thanks to the African Aviation Tribune for corrections and to Tristar for the picture)
26/01/2013 [UPDATED on 30/03/2013]
The first RwandAir's B737-7K5 (Boeing customer code for TUIFly) is currently at Hannover (Germany) It was ferried from Hamburg to Eindhoven (for the Painting) and then to Hannover, where it will be get its Rwandan registration.
It's en ex TuiFly (with Air Berlin livery) registred D-AHXB. Its future registration will be 9XR-WJ. It made its first flight on 22 March 2007 and was delivered to TUIFly on 05 April 2007
Source : Skyliner and AirFleets.
27/03/2013 : The Boeing 737-700NG will have a dual class cabin with 12 Business and 108 Economy seats. It lands @ KIA in less than 2 weeks!
20/03/2013 : RwandAir announced today, that the first B737-700 will arrive at Kigali in two weeks. It seems that it will lease from TUIFly (Germany), which is flying under Air Berlin livery. Average age : 5 years.
It's confirmed, John Mirenge, the RwandAir's CEO said yesterday, that RwandAir won't renewed the leasing contrat with GECAS and will phased out its two B737-500s, from mid 2013, . B737-500s will be replaced by two B737-700NGs, they will be leased from ILFC. Last week, in one ours articles, we said that RwandAir planned to phase out, its B737-500s, which have became too old and too small, to meet the strong demand.
About the B737-700NG (Source from Boeing) :
The 737-700 was launched in November 1993 with a Southwest Airlines order for 63 airplanes. On Nov. 7, 1997, the 737-700 was awarded type certification by the FAA, and the first delivery followed in December 1997. Europe's Joint Aviation Authority, or JAA, gave its validation Feb. 19, 1998.
The 737-700 is capable of carrying up to 149 passengers. The Next-Generation 737 models fly approximately 3,000 nautical miles (5,500 km), an increase of up to 900 nautical miles over earlier 737 models.
The Next-Generation 737 airplanes are capable of cruising to a maximum altitude of 41,000 feet (12.5 km), compared to 37,000 feet (11.3 km) for the 737-300/-400/-500 models, and 39,000 feet (11.9 km) for the competition.
About ILFC (Source from ILFC) :
International Lease Finance Corporation (ILFC) founded in 1973, is a global market leader in the leasing and remarketing of advanced technology commercial jet aircraft to commercial airlines.
ILFC operates with a global network of approximately 200 airlines in more than 80 countries including major flag carriers, medium- and small-sized airlines and cargo carriers.
ILFC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of AIG, a leading international insurance organization serving customers in more than 130 countries.
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