Rwanda Aviation and Tourism News,

RwandAir Safety, IOSA, IATA,.......

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Nervous flyer? Just want to know you're traveling with a reliable airline? Find out who are the world's safest airlines, the world’s only safety and product rating website, which was launched in June 2013, has announced its top twenty safest airlines and top ten safest low cost airlines for 2016 from the 407 it monitors. [text by Airline Ratings].


 RwandAir rating is 5 /7 



IOSA and IATA Member : RwandAir got its IOSA Certification and became IATA member, in November 2014


European Union blacklist : RwandAir is not on the blacklist. The airline can serve United Kindgom, France or Belgium.


Fatality Free : RwandAir recorded one crash, since 2005 (RwandAir 205 on November 2009)


FAA Endorsed : USA has a list that bans countries to serve USA. Rwanda is not yet rated by FAA, and it's not banned country.


ICAO Country Audit : ICAO made two audits in Rwanda, one in 2007 and the other one in 2012. According to ICAO, progress were made between 2007 and 2012. However, Rwanda need to improve in some fields, such as Aircraft Investigation and Air Navigation (over 60% EI =effective implementation)

In the United States, the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) has a list that bans countries (not airlines) from flying into American Airspace. - See more at:


In the United States, the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) has a list that bans countries (not airlines) from flying into American Airspace. - See more at:

 RwandAir gets IOSA certification and become an IATA member











 RwandAir, the national flag carrier of the Republic of Rwanda, is pleased to announce the successful IOSA registration under the IATA – IOSA registry.




RwandAir has been successfully registered under the IATA – IOSA registry which is due to expire in June 2016 ; this follows the completion of the IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) conducted on RwandAir operations system from 9th to 13th June 2014.RwandAir passed its initial 2014 IOSA audit with an exemplary report of, minimal findings and observations.



“This is a significant milestone for RwandAir. It has shown that the hard work being put in everyday by all employees is bearing fruit. RwandAir management takes pride and extends its appreciation to each and every employee at RwandAir who spent sleepless nights to see this dream come true. Passing the IOSA is vital to the sustainability of RwandAir as it is a mandatory requirement to obtain IATA registration, Alliance memberships and code share agreements” said John Mirenge, the RwandAir Chief Executive Officer.




The IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) program is an internationally recognized and accepted evaluation system designed to assess the operational management and control systems of an airline. All IATA members are IOSA registered and must remain registered to maintain IATA membership.









A GHS Aviation team will visit RwandAir, the next week,  for an IOSA Audit







Mr. John Mirenge is the Chief Executive Officer of RwandAir, fast-rising carrier in East Africa. Besides the power of its new aircraft on expanding routes, RwandAir is upbeat on safety seeking strength from the International Air Transport Association's (IATA) safety audit (IOSA). In Africa, Mr. Mirenge says forming a bigger carrier is easier said than done, though RwandAir is working in this direction. He reveals more on the spectacular airline in this exclusive interview with Aviation & Allied Business.




Q: Could you throw more light on RwandAir's bid to get IOSA certification likely by end of May 2014, as well as security preparedness at RwandAir?


A: We aim to have the IOSA Certification Audit concluded from Monday June 9th to Friday June 13th 2014. GHS Aviation Group is the audit organization that has been chosen through the tender process, we are expecting 5 auditors from the company to perform the audit in Kigali and visit any of our stations if necessary. All operation areas (ORG, FLT, DSP, MNT, CAB, GRH, CGO and SEC) will be audited and the findings will be shared with our IOSA team to be reviewed and finalized.


FULL ARTICLE : Aviation & Allied Business Journal


The IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) program is an internationally recognized and accepted evaluation system designed to assess the operational management and control systems of an airline. All IATA members are IOSA registered and must remain registered to maintain IATA membership.



RwandAir on course for an IATA Audit to get the IOSA certification




. Dr. Wolfgang H. Thome


The IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) program is an internationally recognized and accepted evaluation system designed to assess the operational management and control systems of an airline. All IATA members are IOSA registered and must remain registered to maintain IATA membership.


Rwanda’s national airline RwandAir appears well on course to accomplish their IOSA Certification later this year, then bringing to a successful conclusion a process which started in mid 2012 and has since then advanced considerably.


A firm of aviation consultants from Germany, Aviation Quality Services or in short AQS, provided the airline with the initial guidance to launch the process in earnest and the appointment of Sonia Kamikazi, who was selected from among the management team to coordinate and drive the process has, according to several key staff at the airline, added focus and enabled the process to go forward at as fast a pace as can be expected. In fact, Mrs. Sonia, perhaps as a result of her dedicated work and enthusiasm to accomplish her tasks within the anticipated timeframe and within budgets, was honoured as RwandAir’s staff of the year 2013.


She in turn however credited her bosses, CEO John Mirenge and Deputy CEO Jean Paul Nyirubutama, and the heads of departments she interacts with on a daily basis as well as other staff of the airline for her personal success and the progress in her work to make RwandAir the latest airline to be IOSA certified.


Weekly meetings of all relevant departments which play a role in the certification process and will be subject to an audit by IATA, are now as a matter of course attended by the airline’s Deputy CEO Jean Paul Nyirubutama, a clear sign that the airline’s top management is keenly interested to ensure that there are neither bottlenecks nor other logistical challenges standing in the way of accomplishing this task in a timely manner.


RwandAir was in fact last year chosen by IATA to be part of a group of around 20 airlines to participate in a dedicated training programme related to the IOSA certification process. A ‘Mock Audit’ in August last year, at the end of the training programme, which looked at some 1.000 criteria, showed already very significant compliance.


Among the outstanding issues mentioned during a recent interview with Mrs. Kamikazi were regulatory approvals for all the various operating manuals which were submitted to the Rwanda Civil Aviation Authority in September last year and which were progressively vetted and then approved by Rwanda’s aviation regulatory body.


FULL ARTICLE : Wolfgang H. Thome's Blog  : HERE

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